The art of plants come alive on every Tattoo bloom with each petal looking like it is inked or airbrushed with soft brush strokes of papaya colored flowers. Tropical colored petals are swirled with black. Adding these novelties to your flower garden will surely turn heads. Tattoo vincas are without a doubt the most unique periwinkle plants on the market today.
This variety is considered an upright vinca reaching 10 - 14 inches in height and only 6 - 8 inches in width. Vinca is best grown in full sun areas or areas that get at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Soil should be well drained and these drought tolerant plants do not need a lot of water so be careful not to overwater.
Season long blooms bursting with color from late Spring to late Summer for gardens and containers. Very low watering needs and outstanding performance in hot conditions. Looks great in full sun or light shade. Grow Vinca seeds indoors 4 - 6 weeks before the last frost is expected.
Grows best in full sun and is considered not to be preferred by deer.
Sow 2 - 3 seeds per plant and keep seeds moist until germination. Cover the Vinca Periwinkle seeds with 1/4 inch of potting mix, spray with water to moisten and press down lightly. Vinca flower seeds will not germinate in any sort of light, so cover trays or containers with a black plastic sheet or a newspaper. Lift the plastic or newspaper regularly to moisten by misting. Once Periwinkle seedlings emerge, they need bright light. At about 2 - 3 inches tall, transplant.